
Our dear friend Judy Wolfe, whose painting of Binky adorns our website, lost her fabulous dog Benny recently. In her words: “My very special dog, Benny, was funny, loving and loud at times but gave me the proverbial unconditional love that only a dog can give. He gave me 10.5 years of laughs, and fun. He was my photographic muse and sharing his photos over the years gave me much joy. He loved putting on hats and posing (as long as there were treats involved). I spoiled him with toys, treats and trips to our favorite stores.Our daily walks allowed me to meet my neighbors and he had a host of friends in the ‘hood, both two and four legged. He was a joy and changed my life for the better. The pain in my heart will lessen with time. He was the ultimate ‘good boy.’” Remembrance donations by Judy & Steve Bass, Susan Ferla, Veronica Gallagher, Michael & Becca Mink, Gary Nusbaum & Jennifer Jackson, Helen Belluschi, Michelle Beach, Donna Moran, Mary Schwalm & Elise Amendola, Kathleen Salmieri, Alicia Sells, Karen Pedevillano, Evelyn Tamborlani and Judy’s friends at the Central Park Zoo (Sue, Mary, Elias, Berni, Nora, Kelly, Melissa, Rob, Ronnie, Nick, Beth, Tyler, Kim, Tumeca, Angel, Celia, and Katie!). November 2015.