In memory of Charlie, who was adopted by Katherine and Jim Sutton from Cavalier Rescue in August of 2011 when he was six years old. A purebred Cavalier, he was born in Ireland and shipped to the U.S as a puppy, but he got off to a poor start in life. Charlie spent most of his days in a cage, put on too much weight and developed heart issues and arthritis. He was also deaf. His family eventually had to give him up, which is how he came to Katherine and Jim. “For the almost three years at our house, he found a deeply loving home, cage-free, with lots of exercise and playtime. We knew he had health issues, but we hoped that he would live longer than nine years in total. However, we take solace in knowing that the last third of his life was the happiest and healthiest we could give him.” Remembrance donation by Dean Surkin and Jacqueline Birnbaum, June 2014.