2016 Report to Friends of the Binky Foundation
2016 marked our 12th year of awarding grants to organizations and individuals devoted to protecting, rescuing and caring for domestic and wild animals and their habitats. For the year we awarded 53 First Steps grants to recipients in 26 states totaling almost $93,000. Our focus remains on small “First Steps” grants, with particular attention to new organizations with sustainable plans for future viability.
The Remembrance page of our website, www.binkyfoundation.org, continues to be a very popular way for our friends to honor the memory of their animal friends and companions. When our friend Judy Wolfe (whose painting of Binky adorns our website) lost her long time companion and muse, Benny, the outpouring of remembrances from Benny’s friends was overwhelming. In recognition of this support, we dedicated one of our grants to Benny and his legion of friends.
The chosen grantee, B.A.R.K. (Build A Rescue Kennel) is affiliated with Safe Haven Rescue Kennel in rural Yerington, Nevada that takes in at-risk dogs from shelters, under-socialized or free roaming dogs from hoarders and failed sanctuaries. Because Benny was himself a connoisseur of barking, we thought B.A.R.K. was an appropriate choice for this dedicated grant.
A photo of B.A.R.K.’s cottage #3, which our grant helped build, can be found on the Grant Program page of our website. Photos of other grantees can be found throughout our website, and a list of all our 2016 grantees (with links to their websites where available) is available on the “Our Grantees” page. Many thanks for your interest in our efforts, and please know that 100% of any donations received from our friends will be used in support of our “First Steps” Grant Program.

Michalina Bickford

Kathleen Bickford Berzock

Peter Bickford