Our Grant Program Philosophy
Although there are many organizations nationwide that are involved in various aspects of animal and habitat protection, most are focused on “big picture” issues. Yet frequently the smallest efforts properly focused can become the seeds from which substantial efforts grow. At The Binky Foundation we recognize that the resources for starting an initiative are often the hardest to obtain. Thus, our grant program is focused on assisting young organizations seeking to take those initial steps that are critical to achieving a significant benefit or advancement toward protecting animals and their habitats. As one of the few funding organizations that considers grants to new animal welfare organizations, The Binky Foundation seeks to encourage new groups, in addition to having a passion for helping animals, to understand the hard truth that running a successful animal welfare group is also a business requiring skill sets and planning.
First Steps/Forward Steps Grant Program

Feral cats sleeping after surgery, New Braunfels Community Cat Coalition
The Binky Foundation’s offers a streamlined grant program for newly formed or young animal welfare organizations – shelters, rescue groups, TNR programs and others – providing at its option $1000 “First Steps” grants to entities meeting the program’s three-step criteria designed to recognize that running such an organization requires a certain level of business acumen and planning as well as a passion for animals. (See “First Steps” Grants below).
In addition, The Binky Foundation will consider follow-up “invitation only” grants to prior First Steps grant recipients that have demonstrated the value and efficacy of its business plan, and success in striving for a sustainable model (See “Forward Steps” Grants below).
Please note that the awarding of a First Steps or Forward Steps grant is solely at the discretion of The Binky Foundation.
“First Steps” Grants
The purpose of our “First Steps” Grant Program is to provide initial financial support to new organizations that recognize the importance of business training and planning as well as passion for the animals to create a successful, long-term operation. Grants awarded under our “First Steps” Grant Program may be used by the grantee organization for any proper purpose in support of the organization’s mission.
Under its “First Steps” Grant Program, The Binky Foundation will award at its option $1000 First Steps Grants to organizations meeting all three of the following criteria:
- The organization has been recognized as a public charity under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code within the last 3 years.Because of changes to the IRS reporting requirements, we now require that applicants be recognized as a public charity rather than a private foundation under 501(c)(3).
- One or more principals of the organization (i.e., founder, officer, director, manager or key personnel) has, within three-years of submitting its application, successfully completed a recognized workshop or training program, or a series of in-person or online seminars, or can demonstrate a comparable level of experience or education, that combines the business aspects of running a non-profit entity with specialty training in operating an animal welfare organization.The workshop or training criteria can be met by (i) attending and completing workshops or educational programs (in person or online) conducted by recognized organizations such as, but not limited to, Maddie’s Fund, the ASPCA, the AAWA, Best Friends Animal Society, or educational institutions that include a combination of business, financial and animal welfare in its courses; or (ii) demonstrating a combination of training and experience on the business, financial and animal welfare aspects of operating an animal welfare organization, to the satisfaction of the Foundation. It is important to understand that the purpose of our educational/training criteria is to demonstrate that as a new organization its staff and management have an appropriate mix of both animal care experience or training together with the business side of running a facility. It is up to the organization and its managers to determine what it believe is necessary for the successful operation of the organization as expressed in its action/business plan. We will, therefore, be looking at that body of experience or training in the context of your action/business plan and not as a pre-determined set of requirements.
- The organization has prepared a purposeful Business/Action Plan, including projected budget considerations, that shows how the organization plans to achieve sustainability and support within its community. A purposeful Business or Action Plan is the centerpiece of our First Steps criteria, and we expect it to be more than a brief narrative about an organization’s purpose and its fund raising intentions. Your Plan should be a working document for use by the organization that includes at a minimum a thoughtful and detailed look at an organization’s mission, the need it is addressing within the community, and how that need will be achieved, both operationally and financially, including current and projected budget data. Our business/action plan requirement is a significant factor for us to determine whether groups have truly thought about their objectives and how they intend to use their training and expertise to achieve and sustain those objectives into the future. Our action/business plan requirement is designed to encourage new organizations like yours to develop forward thinking plans for long term success. Please see the our document: Frequently Asked Questions About Our “Action/Business Plan” Requirement for a First Steps Grant accessible here for more information about our expectations and tips for preparing a purposeful plan.
Additional Instructions for Applicants

Run-in Shelter, Equine WellBeing Rescue
- If you are interested in being considered for a “First Steps” grant, please complete and submit the online application, and attaching evidence of tax exempt status and training/educational requirements, and your Business Plan.
- It is important for you to provide us with all the information requested to the best of your ability. All complete applications will be diligently reviewed and answered.
- Failure to provide all requested information, including complete and accurate mailing or e-mail addresses, will likely result in the rejection of an application. We cannot assume responsibility for tracking down missing, incomplete or inaccurate information.
- Snail mailed requests, or e-mailed requests that do not use the online application form, will not be accepted.
- The awarding of a First Steps or Forward Steps grant is solely at the discretion of The Binky Foundation.
- If you have any problems completing or submitting our application form, please e-mail us at info@binkyfoundation.org or by using our website contact form.
The First Steps Grant Application is accessible here.
Please note that The Binky Foundation does not pay for individual pet care, including direct reimbursement to veterinarians, or for individual medical, housing or food expenses. We urge individuals seeking such help contact local shelters or other local charitable organizations that may provide such assistance.
“Forward Steps” Grants
The Foundation will also consider awarding follow-up grants at the Foundation’s discretion to prior First Steps grant recipients that have demonstrated the value and efficacy of its business plan, and success in striving for a sustainable model. These follow-up or “Forward Steps” grants are by invitation only, and can be used to meet a specific need or needs of the organization or for unexpected or unusual operating costs. First Steps grantees that received their grants more than 12-months ago may be invited to apply for a follow-up Forward Steps grant. The email invitation will include instructions on how to apply and what information should be submitted in support. The awarding of any further grant to a prior grant recipient, and the amount of any such grant if awarded, is at the sole discretion of The Binky Foundation.
The follow-up Forward Steps grants to prior grant recipients is by invitation only. there is no application form for Forward Steps grants.