About the Binky Foundation


Rehabilitating Swans (The Bird Fund, NY, NY)

Rehabilitating Swans (The Wild Bird Fund, NY, NY)

Motivated by a lifetime of commitment to animal protection and habitat preservation, Michalina and Peter Bickford founded The Binky Foundation in 2004 as a 501(c)(3) private foundation. The Foundation is named for their beloved cat, Binky. When Binky was a kitten, it was discovered that he had an enzyme deficiency requiring that his food be treated every day for him to survive. He was Mickey’s and Peter’s friend and companion for eighteen years and helped to crystallize their understanding about the interconnection and fragile dependence of humans and other animals. In his honor, Mickey and Peter have sought to encourage and help those who understand this bond.

Our Mission Updated

Our mission — “Helping People Help Animals” – has remained the same, but our focus has evolved. Although there are many organizations nationwide that are involved in various aspects of animal and habitat protection, they are often focused on “big picture” issues or financially significant projects. Yet it is often the many small shelters, rescue and other animal welfare groups that are the backbone of animal rescue, protection and safety in a community; and it is these vital entities that are often overlooked by mainline funding organizations.  At The Binky Foundation we have come to recognize that the resources for starting an initiative are often the hardest to obtain. This recognition has led us to become one of the few funding organizations that considers grants to new animal welfare organizations through its “First Steps/Forward Steps” grant program.

First Steps/Forward Steps

UPAWS – Small Animal Scale

Our “First Steps/Forward Steps” grant program is intended to help new groups recognize that, in addition to having a passion for helping animals, running a successful and sustainable animal welfare organization requires business skills and strategic planning. We do not base grants on specific needs, or to groups that are seeking to survive in the moment, rather we are about providing an incentive to new animal welfare organizations to strive for a sustainable future through training, education and planning.