In memory of Raphael, beloved member of the Berzock Family: Kathleen, Cary, Lou and Sol. “Raphael will always be in our hearts. He was small but mighty, and the most talkative cat I’ve ever met. He loved to have a conversation, and his insistent meowing, whether for a treat or to be let in or out, could not be ignored. He loved us all, but he had a special bond with Sol. The two spent many happy hours hanging out, and Sol was the only one who could pet, pat, and carry Raphael without him wiggling away. We were lucky to have him share our lives for six wonderful years, and we are comforted imagining him prowling through heaven’s gardens and backyards, and sleeping soundly on the highest point in the clouds, looking down on us with his sweet face.” Remembrance donation by Jon & Jeanne Bickford, January 2020.